Dan Hatcher

I believe everyone should have a properous and COMFORTABLE retirement without giving Uncle Scam" a single penny. Do You Agree?

IULs are one of the secrets wealthy people use. You Can Use Them Too!

Our purpose is to help everyone achieve their best financial future through the power of compound interest using vehicles like IULs or FIAs. These participate in market gains but not losses! We call this “safe money retirement” or a smarter, safer way to grow your money!
From 1 week old to 100 years old we can help you!  Remember, it is better to get started now than never at all.  My goal is to educate as many families as possible to know there are great ways to grow your money without market risk and in most cases without have to pay a dime in taxes on your gains! 
If you are under 55 looking for a better future, I congratulate you for taking this step now and I look forward to meeting you soon! If over 55, we can make sure you have lifetime income that you will never outlive!
So if you want to know more about growing your money tax-free (NOT tax defered) and without risk of market loss or if you want to know what it means to become your own bank, fill out the form below let’s find out!

Dan Hatcher is an experienced IUL and Annuity agency owner. As a financial strategist, he has helped countless people setup IUL’s and annuities to help them build their business, set up tax free retirement and protect their current retirement funds from further market losses.

IUL’s are not complicated. With little effort you can learn all about the IUL and it’s advantages over traditional employer retirement plans. BUT… Until you open up the software and build an IUL with your numbers (age & budget), you will never truly know how or even if an IUL will work for you!

Let’s do just that!  Fill out the form below and let’s find out what an IUL will do for YOU! 

I Want To Know About the IUL & Being My Own Bank
& Retiring Tax Free

IULs Don't Have the Rules IRAs and 401k's Do.

1) You Don’t Have to Wait till you’re 59 1/2 years old to use your money.

2) You NEVER pay a dime of tax on your gains… EVER!

3) There is NO LIMIT on how Much you can Contribute.

4) There are No Penalties or Fees for USING the Money WHILE Saving it up for Retirement.

     In fact: You continue to earn interest on your money even when you are using it for other investments!

5) IUL’s Don’t Participate in Market Downturns. So You NEVER LOSE MONEY on the Market in Down Years!


Find out about the power that Being Your Own Bank (BYOB) and uninterrupted Compound Interest can bring to your retirement savings via an IUL. A 30 year old can retire with a million in cash with as little as $300 p/mo, and have a substantial death benefit in case the worst happens. IUL's don't lose money when the market does! So you never have to spend precious compounding time just getting back to break even! That's the power uninterrupted compound interest brings that only an IUL provides!
BONUS: AND... You also have access to the money the entire time! Access to use YOUR money... while it is still compounding! Compare THAT to an IRA or 401(k)!


When you borrow against your IUL, your money never leaves your account! It remains there, earning compound interest while you use the money to buy other assets. The collateral is your death benefit. The interest on the loan comes back to your account, so you pay the interest to yourself!
You can do this over and over again. Imagine paying for a car and once paid off, you have the car AND the money, plus the interest that you used to buy the car with! This is called "Infinite Banking." A VERY powerful tool the rich use. Now you can too!


Are you concerned with market volatility? You can have your savings/401k earnings PROTECTED in an instrument that ONLY participates in market upswings and NOT the downswings and provide lifetime income that you won't outlive... EVER! GUARANTEED!
Annuities can be a part of your retirement strategy and also an option if your health prevents you from getting an IUL.

Be Your Own Bank Explained

Are IUL's "Tax Free" & Safe?

How Can an IUL Help You Retire Wealthy?

Is the IUL too good to be true? The IRS wishes fewer people find out about them because you can create true wealth in your IUL and never owe a dime in income tax. IUL’s participate in market upswings and never lose in a market downturn. 

In an IUL, your money is not in “IRA Jail,” as you can use it anytime you want without penalty to make other investments while continuing to earn interest on your money!  

If you want to learn how an IUL would look for you and your retirement or how it can be used as your own bank, fill out the form at the top of the page and we can get you the answer. 

Teach Your Children About Money!

They aren’t going to learn this at school!

You can set your children up for a college funds several different ways. Using an IUL, there are ZERO government restrictions on what the money is used for. Suppose they don’t go to college and want to use the money for a down payment on their first rental property or AirBnB instead, helping them build a better future!


With their IUL, they can do that and have all those opton with no penalties! And they can actually use every dime of it… TAX-FREE!


As an independent underwriter, I’m able to shop around and find the best possible options for your family that will comfortably fit your budget.
Resident License Certificate



"Dan helped us understand exactly how we could use an IUL to help us have a very comfortable retirement. When he helped us understand just how useful the 'Be Your Own Bank' part would be for us... Wow! It opened up our eyes to a whole new world of possibilities and how to make our retirement A WHOLE NUTHER LEVEL of better without having to add anything to our budget... 'Amazing' is a better word for it than Wow!"

Trey & Meg E.

"Since retiring my 401k has gone thru 3 major losses. Each one scared us half to death! It's had some good years but really it's only been treading water and we were going to run out of money much too soon! Dan helped us roll it over into a FIA. Now, I have ZERO market losses, steady gains and an income neither one of us has a chance of outliving. Plus, what's left will go to my children. Peace of mind has never felt better!"

Royce & Donna T.

"I didn't know that you could get insurance where you could actually use the money in it while you were alive! And best of all, I now have to supplement my retirement AND pay my house off if the worst happens sooner! All anyone has ever bothered to show me was term. I'm sure term has it's place but for us, what a waste! Thank you for taking the time to explain this to me."

Matt & Carla D.



The money you invest in you IUL earns money for you. The money you made last year also earns money for you. And the year before that, and the year before that. All the while building a larger and larger ball that continues to roll, getting larger and growing faster as time marches on. That, in metaphorical terms is “compounding.” 

When you borrow from the bank of “Yourself,” your money actually never leaves your account. It remains in your account as collateral on your loan. All the while earning you interest over and above the cost of your loan. That’s what banks do. They borrow from the Fed and loan it to you at a higher rate and make the spread. Now, you get to handle your money via an IUL just like the banks do!

Children as young as 2 weeks old can have an IUL set up for them. With time on their side, you can generate enough money to send them to college or make a healthy down payment on their first house while also teaching them about money. A newborn can be a millionaire LONG before retirement age with surprisingly low monthly premiums.

If you are looking for a fulfilling career helping people protect their family and create wealth, we may have a spot for you.
Let's setup an interview.
Just fill out the form at the top of the page and let's talk.